
Bathroom Remodels

Everyone needs a well-maintained, fully functioning bathroom. It’s used all day and it’s the place where you get ready for the adventure ahead or where you wind down for the night. Our team here at Cogstate Constructions specialises in small bathroom renovations, and we know the importance of having a bathroom that is both stylish and functional.
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January 3, 2023
Cogstate Constructions
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Pool Deck Builders

With summer around the corner, the pool is sure to be in constant use. What’s important but often overlooked is the decking around the pool and how it can determine the safety of swimmers.
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January 3, 2023
Cogstate Constructions
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Growing Crisis For Building Certification

The ongoing cladding problem brought on by building fires around the world, particularly London’s Grenfell and in Australia, Melbourne’s Lacrosse has highlighted the risk to insurers in the professional indemnity (PI) policies they carry. As a result, building certifiers everywhere are facing challenges when it comes to renewing their policies.
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May 30, 2019
Cogstate Constructions
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Steel Standard Effectively Law

The Australian Standard for Structural Steelwork - Fabrication and Erection (AS/NZS 5131) will effectively become law.
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May 22, 2019
Cogstate Constructions
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2019 National Constrution Code Chages Are Here

The latest round of changes to the National Construction Code are now in effect and will apply to the entire building and construction industry.
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May 1, 2019
Cogstate Constructions
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